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Selasa, 15 November 2011

Plenary Session on the Proposed 2012 State Budget: Day 1 National Parliament Dili, Timor-Leste

Dili, 10 November 2011 – The plenary session of the National Parliament to debate on the Government’s proposed 2012 State Budget (OGE) started last 9 November 2011. The session was chaired by H.E. Fernando Lasama de Araujo, Speaker of the National Parliament.
The main agenda of the session focused on the Generality provisions of the OGE 2012. Members of the National Parliament were in full attendance except for 2 PD MPs, who missed the preliminary session.
After voting on the “Guiao do debate”, the session proceeded with presentation from the H. E. Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister of the Government of Timor-Leste.
Click on  Tetum, Portuguese, Englishfor the text of the presentation delivered by Prime Minister Gusmao, in Portuguese, Tetum and English versions.
The Government’s presentation was followed by the presentation of the “Relatorio de Parecer” of the Commission C of the National Parliament. Led by its President, Hon. Manuel Tilman, the Commission  highlighted among others, the Commission’s opinion on economic growth in 2011-2012 that will slow down as compared to previous year; inflation will be higher than before the crisis; deficits will be higher in 2011 but recovered in 2012; unemployment rate will be higher in advanced western economies, and that the economy will not be immune from the impact of the above international market situation, as results of  the exchange rate of USD, global oil price fluctuation and the price of goods.
At the end of the session, the Parecer was approved unanimously by all its 9 members and that Proposal N. 54/II complies with all constitutional and legal requirements to be referred to the Plenary for discussion and voting in generality and in specialty, allowing the Parliamentary benches to take their respective roles in this regards.
The Chair then closed the plenary session around 6.30 pm to allow the Government to prepare their responses to the Committee C Parecer Report, during the continuation of the parliamentary deliberations on the OGE 2012 the next day.

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